Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Luna online

This guide covers up to Class 4 only, because Class 5 is at lv105 which takes a lot of time to achieve. By that time, the player would have enough experience with the game to make the choice by themselves

There are 2 races in Luna Online, Human and Elf. Beside from their minor (negligible) stat difference, the reason why you would choose a race should be for their race-specific skill and class.

Reason to choose Human
- Mecenary / Gladiator class for Fighter (Very High Attack)
- Monk / Inquirer class for Mage (Able to equip Light Armor)
- Theif / Assasin class for Rogue (Stealth)
- Burning Rage buff (Increase Attack by %)

Reason to choose Elf
- Rune Knight class for Fighter (Self-Heal / Sleep / Very good Stun)
- Elemental Master for Mage (Unique Buff)
- Scout / Rune Walker for Rouge (Silence / Buff)
- Nature Shield buff (Increase Def by %)
- Elves are cute

There are many classes in Luna Online. First timers are recommended to follow direct path of class change. (i.e. the stereotype)

Human Fighter - Warrior - Mercenary - Gladiator (Full STR build)
Elf Fighter - Guard - Infantryman - Phalanx (Full VIT build)
Human/Elf Mage - Wizard - Sorcerer - Warlock (Full INT build)
Human/Elf Mage - Cleric - Priest - Bishop (Full WIS build)
Human Rogue - Ruffian - Theif - Assasin (Full DEX build)
Elf Rogue - Voyager - Archer - Ranger (Full DEX build Full STR build)

The disadvantage of going through the direct path is that the character would be too specialized and limited. For experience players, it is recommended to go hybrid.

For example
Human Fighter - Guard - Mercenary - Knight
Elf Fighter - Warrior - Infantryman - Rune Knight
Human Mage - Wizard - Monk - Bishop
Elf Mage - Wizard - Priest - Warlock
Human Rouge - Voyager - Theif - Ranger
Elf Rogue - Ruffian - Scout - Treasure Hunter

The possibility is endless.

Hybrid can use the skills in their current class plus the ones from their previous class without any drawback.

For example
Mage - Cleric - Sorcerer
would be able to use lv15 FireBall and lv5 FastHeal
Mage - Wizard - Sorcerer
would be able to use only lv15 FireBall

Here's a break down to each class to help you create your own class path.


Class 1

Reason to choose Fighter
- Melee combat
- Able to equip Heavy Armor
- Good HP / Def

Class 2

Reason to choose Warrior
- 2-Hand attack skill
- STR and Attack Buff
- As an elf, this is the only chance to get WarriorForm buff (+Attack)

Reason to choose Guard
- Def Buff
- Heavy Armor Expertise passive
- Shield stun

Class 3

Reason to choose Mercenary
- STR and Attack Buff
- 2-Hand AOE skills

Reason to choose Infantryman
- Attract Circle (The god of mob training skill, break the limit of 6 monster per mob train)
- Def Buff
- Heavy Armor Expertise passive
- Attack skills that utilize INT

Reason to choose Swordman
- Long range attack skill
- Able to self-heal
- As a human, this is the only chance to get SpiritSword spell (Sleep)

Class 4

Reason to choose Gladiator
- More STR and Attack
- Insane damage output
- Great AOE

Reason to choose Phalanx
- More Def if you're feeling you're not having enough
- Mob train, taking 1 from everything (except from Magic monster)
- Can switch to INT build for attack spells while still have good def

Reason to choose Knight
- Balance between Attack and Defence
- Good AOE skills
- Have DivineJustice heal spell which is the only one that is not nerfed in guild war

Reason to choose Rune Knight
- Aura skills, which are buffs that affect people around you
- Rune Impact, a long range Stun skill that has very high accuracy
- Sleep and Self-Heal (Good for PVP)


Class 1

Reason to choose Mage
- Spell caster
- Able to Heal
- Nuking from distance
- Good MP / Mdef

Class 2

Reason to choose Wizard
- Good magic damage
- Blood Stream skill which converts HP to MP (then you heal yourself afterwards)
- Chill Breeze spell that freeze (Very good in PVP)
- Poison spell that always slow the target

Reason to choose Cleric
- Buff
- Buff
- Buff
- Fast Heal and Group Heal
- Enhance HP passive that Wizard doesn't have

Class 3

Reason to choose Sorcerer
- AOE spells (Blizzard and FireBlast)
- Stun Spell
- Higher level Blood Stream
- INT / Magic buff

Reason to choose Priest
- Buff
- Great Heal (Heals a LOT of HP)
- Can go INT build with DivineSword (aka lv11+ Holy Strike)
- Sleep spell, Angelic Bless (aka lv11+ Angelic Touch)
- Beholder buff can see through Stealth

Reason to choose Monk
- Light Armor Expertise passive (a whole lot more Def than wearing Robes)
- Very strong and fast cast Single target spell
- Magic Critical Buff

Class 4

Reason to choose Warlock
- More AOE spells (Meteor and Poison Cloud)
- Can easily stun/freeze lock with high success rate of stun/freeze spell
- Higher level Blood Stream
- INT / Magic buff

Reason to choose Bishop
- Buff, especially Shrewd Spell lv3 for -40% cast time
- Great Heal lv16 which cast as fast as Fast Heal
- DivineSword becomes very strong (stronger than all of Warlock spell)
- INT build can solo pretty well

Reason to choose Inquirer
- Higher level Light Armor Expertise
- Holy Justice spell, the strongest single target spell in 4th class
- Lots of Debuff
- More Magic Attack Buff
- More Magic Critical Buff

Reason to choose Elemental Master
- Buff
- Buff
- Buff
- Unique Buff


Class 1

Reason to choose Rogue
- Fast attack
- Good evasion
- Good Critical
- Run fast (Move speed buff)

Class 2

Reason to choose Voyager
- Attack from very long distance
- High Critical Damage

Rason to choose Ruffian
- Fast paced Melee action
- Great Poison skill
- AOE skill
- Good Evasion

Class 3

Reason to choose Archer
- Attack from distance
- Main skill spammable
- Critical Damage

Reason to choose Theif
- Stealth skill
- Higher evasion
- Critical Rate

Reason to choose Scout
- Critical Buff
- Can use either Dagger or bow
- Self Heal

Class 4

Reason to choose Ranger
- Very High damage from very long distance

Reason to choose Assasin
- High level Stealth skill
- High Critical Damage / Rate
- High damage single target skill

Reason to choose Treasure Hunter
- Great AOE skill (excellent for leveling)
- Great Poison skill
- Has +Drop Rate buff

Reason to choose Rune Walker
- Silence
- Silence
- Silence
- Party Buff
- Self Heal

I hope this helps.
If you find any mistakes in the guide, feel free to point them out.

from : http://lunagamers.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-18.html

Credit to : forum gpotato

Apa itu Sorcerer?
Sorcerer adalah job ketiga dari Mage. Spesialis AOE Skill (Skill area) yang berguna utk party. Biasanya Sorcerer mulai party dari lvl 50 (Lvl" kecil belum begitu penting untuk party, solo saja sudah cukup kencang). Berbeda dengan monk yang job solo.

ada 2 macam jalur yang bisa dipilih sebelum menjadi sorcerer
Mage -> Wizard -> Sorcerer (Full)
Mage -> Cleric -> Sorcerer (Hybrid)


Q & A

Q)Hybrid Sorc sama Full Sorc bedanya dimana sih?
A)Hybrid Sorc bisa hunt sambil heal, buff diri sndiri yang tidak dimiliki full sorc, aman dan tidak boros pot. Namun skill nuke yg dimiliki hybrid Sorc tidak sekuat Full sorc, jadi leveling saat lvl 20-40 lebih cepat full sorc

Q)Kalau saya dari Cleric menjadi Sorc, apakah saya masih bisa ngambil skill wizard saat sudah menjadi Sorc?
A)Bisa, Saat sudah menjadi sorc kamu masih bisa ambil skill wizard, tapi ingat skill point terbatas, jadi pilih lah skill dengan bijak

Q)Ketika saya mengambil jalur Hybrid Sorc, apakah skill fire ball saya akan stuck di lvl 5?
A) Tidak, karena wizard bisa memaximalkan fireball ke lvl 10 sebelum menjadi sorc. Andaikan kamu adalah hybrid sorc, kamu bisa memaximalkan fireball ke lvl 10 saat sudah menjadi sorc (berlaku juga untuk skill lain)


Full Sorc Build

Mage level 1-20
Tinggalkan Windstrike pada lvl 1.. tidak begitu penting
Fire Ball : Level 5 (Skill Nuke paling penting saat solo-ing)
Intelligence : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Int +10 utk 15 menit)
Spell Barrier : Level 5 (Meningkatkan kemungkinan damage spell selalu maximal dan Mengurangi kemungkinan Spell di resist)
Wisdom (optional) : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Wis + 10 utk 15 menit)
Mana Control (optional) : level 5 (Meningkatkan Regen MP)

Wizard level 20-40
Lanjutkan Fire ball ke lvl 10 (Skill Nuke 1-1nya sampai lvl 40)
Lanjutkan Intelligence ke lvl 2 (Meningkatkan Int + 20 utk 15 menit)
Lanjutkan Spell Barrier ke lvl 10 (Meningkatkan kemungkinan damage spell selalu maximal dan mengurangi kemungkinan spell di resist)
Wizardry : Level 2 (Meningkatkan Magic Attack 6% utk 10 menit)
Spell Craft : Level 5 (Meningkatkan Magic Attack 5% secara permanen)
BloodStream (Optional) : Level 1~10 (Convert Hp ke Mp)
Mana Control (optional) : Level 10 (Meningkatkan regen MP)

Sorc level 40-75
Fire ball : level 15
Intelligence : level 4
Wizardry : level 4
Spell Craft : level 10
Bloodstream(optional) : Level 15
Lightning Stun : Level 15 (berguna utk PVP karena memiliki efek stun)
Blizzard: Level 10 (freezing AOE)
Fire Blast: Level 10 (damage over time AOE)

Pilih 1 :
Kalau pingin lebih mudah dalam PVP dan boss
Envenom : level 15 (Damage over time + slow)

Kalau ingin lebih hemat uang dan pot
Mana Control : level 15 (Meningkatkan regen MP)

kamu tidak akan bisa memaximal kedua skill tersebut
kecuali salah 1 skill diambil lvl 1 saja


Hybrid Sorc Guide

Mage lvl 1-20
Tinggalkan Windstrike pada lvl 1.. tidak begitu penting
Fire Ball : Level 5 (Skill Nuke paling penting saat solo-ing)
Intelligence : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Int +10 utk 15 menit)
Spell Barrier : Level 5 (Meningkatkan kemungkinan damage spell selalu maximal dan Mengurangi kemungkinan Spell di resist)
Wisdom (optional) : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Wis + 10 utk 15 menit)
Mana Control (optional) : level 5 (Meningkatkan Regen MP)

Cleric lvl 20-40
Fastheal : Level 1 (Menyembuhkan 224 HP + ??? , skill heal 1 orang paling efektif dengan cast 1,2 detik, cooldown 0,2 detik, jarak 15 meter. Akan lebih efektif bila diambil saat lvl 1 karena makan 1 sp saja)
Shield : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Physical Def 8% selama 15 menit)
Bless Wind : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Movement Speed 10% selama 15 menit)
Bless Heart(optional) : Level 2 (Meningkatkan Regen Hp selama 15 menit)
Lanjutkan Wisdom ke lvl 2 (Meningkatkan Wis + 20 selama 15 menit)
Holy Barrier (optional) : Level 1 (Kebal selama 3,2 detik , berguna utk PVP)
Spell Barrier (optional) : Level 10 (Berguna utk solo-ing lebih cepat)
Might (optional) : Level 1 (Meningkatkan Physical Atk 8% selama 15 menit)
Mana Control (optional) : Level 10 (Meningkatkan Regen MP)

Sorc lvl 40-75
Fireball : Level 15
Intelligence : Level 4
Wizardry : Level 4
Spell Craft : Level 10
Bloodstream (optional) : Level 15
Lightning Stun : Level 15
Blizzard : Level 10
Fire Blast : Level 10
Envenom (optional) : Level 1

Int : Meningkatkan Magic Attack
Wis : Meningkatkan Magic Def, Max Mp, dan MP regen

dianjurkan untuk mengambil full Int

Senjata NPC sebenarnya cukup untuk hunting
cuma kalau merasa mahal
ini list monster yang drop staff

dianjurkan menggunakan one handed staff supaya bisa menggunakan shield


List gem

Gem yg recommended utk sorc :
Opal (Vit) : Hp, Hp Regen, Def (PVP)
Aquamarine (Int) : Magic Attack
Durelin (Def) : Tingkat Def yg diberikan lebih besar dari Opal (PVM)
Heart Stone (Hp) : Tingkat HP yang diberikan lebih besar dari Opal
Moonstone (Magic Attack) : Lebih baik Utk Staff lvl 51++ karena dibutuhkan dlm jumlah besar

From : forum gpotato

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