Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Heal! A Guide to Priesting

The High Priest is the standard healing class in Ragnarok Online.
Table of Contents:
I. Support Type

I.1 Support Stats
I.2 Support Gears
II. ME type

II.1 ME Stats
II.2 ME Gears
III. The Guide
III.1 Woe

IV. Leveling
V. Skill

VI. Hints and Tips
VII. Notes

I. Support Type HP

- this type mainly focuses on healing party members and buffing them. They also serve as ‘tanks’.
I.1 Support Stats
-the basic build for a support priest is 80/80/80 (vit/int/dex). Vit gives higher HP and defense, making them a good tank. Int gives bonus SP and improves the ‘Heal’ skill. Dex reduces casting time and after-cast delay. This is necessary in a party because of priests being ‘rare’.
I.2 Support Gears
upper head: Apple of Archer/Feather Beret/PooPoo Hat
mid head: Sunglasses + Marduk Card or Grand Peco Card
lower head: ???
armor: Orlean’s Uniform + Peco Peco Card
right hand: Staff of Recovery
left hand: Valkyrie Shield + Hodremlin Card or Alice Card
garment: wool scarf + Raydric Card
footgear: tidal shoes + Verit Card or Green Ferus Card
accessory 1: Safety Ring
accessory 2: Safety Ring
*during PvM, you can use Magni’s Cap, Stone Buckler and Odin’s Blessing Set for high def. This makes you a good tank. Also, if you have low dex, playing Full Support or when using ‘Redemptio’, i suggest you to wear Orlean’s Uniform. When MvP-ing, swap elemental armors (pasana for Amon Ra, etc.) this is proven very effective.
PvP/WoE Equipments:
upper head: Feather Beret or Poopoo Hat
mid head: Sunglasses + Marduk Card
lower head: ???
armor: Silk Robe + Marc Card or Evil Druid Card
right hand: Staff of Recovery
left hand: Valkyrie Shield + Thara Frog Card
garment: Wool Scarf + Raydric Card
footgear: Tidal Shoes + Green Ferus Card
accessory 1: Rosary + Smokie Card
accessory 2: Safety Ring or Rosary + Alligaror Card
II. ME Type HP
- these priests can Solo ‘demon’ and ‘undead’ MvPs. They can kill undead monster easily (turn undead) or players wearing Evil Druid card.
II.1 ME Stats
-ME type priests are not good tanks. They focus on Int to give higher damage, dex for fast cast, and luk. They’re also useless in WoE. (99/99/25:int/dex/luk)
II.2 ME Gears
upper head: Apple of Archer or Crown
mid head: Sunglasses + Marduk Card (this is a MUST)
lower head: ???
armor: Orlean’s Uniform + Elemental Cards (swapping)
right hand: Staff of Recovery or Rod + Drops Card x 4
left hand: Valkyrie Shield + Thara Frog Card or Hodremlin Card
garment: Wool Scarf + Raydric Card
footgear: Tidal Shoes + Verit Card or Matyr Card
accessory 1: Safety Ring
accessory 2: Safety Ring
IV. The Guide:
IV. 1 WoE

During woe, you don’t need to bring many blue gemstones (unless your role is a town portal). Thus, bring mastellas, a little blue pots, and some holy water. Mastellas should only be consumed when you’re on Evil Druid Armor. You need to bring Unfro and against some opponents (agi type), pest card is also good. There are enemies, such as WS, that can break your armor so you need to bring extras. You can’t use Asumptio inside the castle so buff yourself and your allies with it before entering. Kyrie should be effective here now. You may also use it to cancel your opponent’s Assumtio. When a professor soul burns you, this is the time to use those little blue pots you brought. After using one, cast Magnificat and try to get away from him. He has ‘dispell’ skill so don’t bother buffing in front of him. In some cases, hide is necessary (dodging asura, etc) so perma on it and don’t swap. I suggest you use the /q1 command with hide to make it easier to dodge. Holy water is used to cast Aspersio not to allies but to enemy breakers. This gives them the holy attribute thus, making them unable to damage the emperium.
IV.2 PvM
during PvM, all you can do is support your party but if you’re a ME priest, you can help them fight against undead/demon monsters. Turn undead and ME till you kill them all! YEAH! Like I mentioned earlier, ME priests can solo MvPs, depending on the player and his equipments. Basically, these type can be killed in one shot so it’s difficult and takes time to master.

Basilica is another great skill of HPs. It has a fixed range of 5×5 cells around the caster. People inside cannot attack so this is used only as ‘bait’. This doesn’t work to Boss monsters and WoE. Just for PvM and I tried it in PvP room. LOL it worked. This is called ‘Absolute Defense’.
IV.3 PvP
buff and heal is all you can do here, unless you’re a battle priest. I did not include a guide to battle priest because i haven’t played like that before but i’ll share my opinion regarding that. Battle priests use magnum break (marine sphere card) as their main offensive skill while supporting themselves. When soul linked, they deal 4x damage with Holy light. I tried it many times before and it was awesome. Other classes such as snipers/wizzies can be killed with just one holy light. When Lexed (lex aeterna), you can deal 4000-8000 damage to a single target and more if they’re wearing Evil Druid card. The status build for PvP priest is… dunno? I think 80/80/80 LOL no. For sure they need str, int and dex.  Vit? XD
V. Leveling
This is not a difficult job for this class, until you reach level 80+. When you already have heal, go to payon cave (zombies, skeleton soldiers, etc). Glast Heilm is a paradise for priests. Killing Undead monsters and taking a break when you run out of sp is a nice hobby, since they really have a slow movement speed. With turn Undead, you can go and kill anubis but it is tough and is not advisable because of the minorous, pasanas, mimics, and those anubises themselves. Turn undead depends on INT, LUK and base level.Most of the time, a party hires acolytes/priests and share exp in exchange of heal and buffs. ME types can level alone but that’s too boring :P
V. Skill:
*i generated this skill tree from rms. this is mainly for Support/WoE priests. (generated in RMS)

this is the skill tree for acolyte class (job level 50). If you want to prioritize buffing and add angelus, you may boost it to level 10 and lower the warp portal and pneuma skill.

this is the skill tree for a high priest (job level 70). as you can see, there are still 10 skill points left. you can use it to add on the first skill tree however, this build is a little ‘hybrid’. This is my personal build used in supporting (PvM/MvP), PvP and WoE.
VI. Hints and Tips
*battlemode or /bm
-i highly suggest that you read this tutorial about battlemode.
*the /q1 command
-it enables you to use the skill in the 9th position (f9) on the first skill bar using right click. (mentioned in my previous guide on professors). in this case, put Hide and perma on your hiding rosary.
*if you can get ahold of a ‘Spiritual Ring’, you may try it’s Set of Equipments. They’re mostly useful for ME type priests because of int bonuses. If you’re a Support Priest, stick with your SoR (staff of recovery). It helps a lot in healing. Depends on the refinement, it gives ‘Heal’ bonus.
*resistance cards:

fire = pasana, jakk, leib olmai
water = swordfish/marc, marse, leaf cat
wind = dokebi/steel chonchon, dustiness, giant hornet
earth = sandman, hode, dryad, munak
poison = argiope, myst, ghoul
shadow = bathory, isis, permeter
undead = evil druid, orc zombie, permeter
holy = angeling,
ghost = ghostring, marionette
neutral = raydric/deviling/noxious/harpy/orc baby, parasite,

-these are the cards for resistance. I collected pasana, swordfish, marc, dokebi, bathory, and evil druid cards and made 6 pieces +7 silk robes for them. I used them for PvM and MvP to gain advantage of the enemy.
*personal build w/o MvP cards:
-these are my equipments during woe:
upper head: +7 Feather Beret
mid head: anything cute XD
lower head: ???
armor: +7 silk robe (Marc Card) and  +7 silk robe (Evil Druid card)
right hand: +9 Staff of Recovery
left hand: +7 Valkyrie Shield (Thara Frog Card)
garment: +7 Wool Scarf (Raydric Card)
footgear: +7 Tidal Shoes (Green Ferus Card)
accessory 1: Rosary (Smokie Card)
accessory 2: Safety Ring
-base stats: 93/40/99 (vit/int/dex)
base vit is 93, and it has +7 from the equipments (that makes it 100). it gives 100% resistance to most of the Status ailments. low int because i want to have a fast cast with 99 dex. this status build leaves no status points; thus, not even a single one is wasted.
-skill bar

this is the skill bar that i use with bm. arranged from qwe, asd, and zxc.
qwe: lex aeterna, lex divina, aspersio, pneuma, safety wall, basilica, decrease agi, kyrie elison, teleport
asd: resurrection, redemptio, recovery, heal, cure, sanctuary, holy light, ruwach, town portal
zxc: asumptio, increase agi, bless, angelus, magnificat, gloria, imposito manus, suffragium.
the unoccupied slot is used for /q1 command; ‘Hide’.
VII. Notes
-i based this build in a mid rate server (ArcanaRO rocks \m/)
-mail me @ xile015 @ yahoo.com for suggestions and corrections.
this is just a guide and my opinion so don’t bother flaming :)

Thanks for Reading and Have a Nice Day!! :) REDEMPTIO!!!

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