Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Spirit Monk Build

Stats(at Base Lvl. 99):
Str 93
Agi 1
Vit 21
Int 43
Dex 86
Luk 9

Skills(at Job Lvl. 50):
Acolyte Skills:
Ruwash 1
Teleport 2
Warp 4
Pneuma 1
Heal 5
Increse AGI 5
Decrease AGI 1
Blessing 10
Divine Protect 10
Demon Bane 10

Monk Skills:
Iron Fist 5
Ocult impaction 5
Throw Spirit Sphere 5
Fury 5
Summon Spirit Sphere 5
G. Fist 5
Root 5
Flee 5
Raging triflecta Blow 3
Spiritual Cadence 5
Sphere Absortion 1

(Upper Headgear) +4 Misstress Crown
(Middle Headgear) Evil Wing Ears
(Lower Headgear) Gangster Mask
(Armor) +7 Saint Robe [Pupa]
(Shield) +7 Buckler [30% Race Reduction]
(Garment) +7 Muffler [Raydric]
(Shoes) +7 Shoes [Sohee]
(Accessory) Ring [Mantis]
(Accessory) Ring [Mantis]

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