Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Stalker Emergency Call Build For WoE SE

Stalker - There are basically four types of builts for stalker taking PvP into account.But i have no time post all that builts here.  Everything in here is written for Second Edition woe.  [Emergency Call Build]
Table of Contents:
1) Stat build
2) Equipment
3) Skill build
4) What to do in woe
Stats Build
Str: Left Overs You Know Why…
Agi: Not Needed
Vit: 99 Yes u need max your vit
Int: Not Yet All [You Won't Be SGing all-over the place]
Dex: 99
Luk: 1 No. Never.
Equip build
Headgear: Feather Beart
Mid: Sun Glasses Maya Purple Card/Nightmare Card
Lower: G.pipe
Armor: Thief Clothes Marc Card.Evil Druid
Weapon: Knife [4] with four fabre cards
Shield: Valkyrie Shield Thara Card
Garment: Wool Scraf Raydric Card
Shoes: Tidal Shoes Green Ferus card
Accessory: Nimble Orleans Gloves
Accessory: Orleans Gloves Horong Card/Marine Sphere Card
Skill Build
Skill builds should be self explanatory for first job but please get at least level 1 Detoxify.
As for trans, get Palagrism level 10, Full strip level 5, Preserve level 1, Reject Sword left Overs.Remove Trap
What to do in Woe
You will need to copy Flying Side Kick [FSK].Your main job is to be as hidden as possible and when your guild sticks together you will need to stick with the guild because your guild members can get the extra stats points from the skills in Guild [Press Alt+G].Your job apart from ecall is to full strip when your enemy guild is on FCP then seriously your jobless.

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