[α]: Introduction
[β]: Preveiw on builds
[γ]: Skills
[ζ]: Stats
[η]: Leveling
[θ]: Builds and Equipments
[ι]: Poison bottle creation
[κ]: PvP
[λ]: WoE
[μ]: Glossary of Terms
About Assassin Cross
Assassin Cross, also known as sinX, is the transcendent class for thieves who have followed the Assassin class path and made it to level 99. SinXs most significant characteristic is the high damage output, generally by using either Sonic Blow or Soul Destroyer. This class also holds the 3rd highest HP bonus in the game, which means they only have less HP than Lord Knights and Paladins. Despite the high HP bonus, sinXs can count on their high flee as means of defense. Assassin Cross also makes good use of critical attacks, as by wearing katar type weapons they get doubled critical rate. SP bonus is decent and high HIT can be achieved by wearing specific gear or simply by having high DEX.
SinXs play an important role in WoEs as the main emperium breakers, among other functions.
Who should play this class?
Assassin Cross best fit players with that:
- Like to be good on their own
- Like to do the killing
- Enjoy WoE
- Critical build: Uses katars as weapons in order to double the critical rate. Requires specific critical gear. Works good for PvM and Emperium breaking.
- Sonic Blow build: Uses katars to deal high damage on a single blow using the Sonic Blow skill. Does great at MvP, PvP and WoE.
- Double Dagger build: Equips two daggers instead of katars, makes use of Double Attack skill. Good at PvM and Emperium breaking.
- Soul Destroyer build: Can use either Swords or Katars. Deals high damage on a single blow using a ranged skill, Soul Destroyer. These sinXs differ the most from regular Assassins, as they often have INT as their main stat. Does good at PvM, PvP and MvP.
- Hybrids: Mix of the pure builds mentioned above. Depending on how they’re build, they can be any combination.
- Full information on Thief skills can be found clicking here.
- Full information on Assassin Skills can be found clicking here.
- Full information on Assassin Cross Skills can be found clicking here.
Sonic Acceleration does not give a flat +50 Hit. If your status window Hit is 100, using Sonic Blow while having SA will not increase it to 150. SA gives +50% “Hit”, the Hit actually being Accuracy rate. Accuracy rate is the final percentage the game calculates after counting in the player’s Hit Rate and Enemy’s Flee Rate. If the player’s Hit was 100 and the enemy’s Flee is 150, the Accuracy rate is 30%. When the player uses Sonic Blow, Sonic Acceleration increases that 30% chance to 45%.
About Soul Destroyer:
First off, it’s important to have a look at this formula:
- 1) Soul Breaker Base Damage = Physical Total Damage + {(SkillLV * Player’s INT) * 5} + Random Damage (500 ~ 1000)
- 2) Final Damage = Soul Breaker Base Damage / Enemy DEF + Soul Breaker Base Damage
About Soul Destroyer:
SD is a ranged skill which includes both magical and physical aspects. It can deal considerable damage on a single hit.
- Cost 20sp for Lv. 1~5 and 30sp for Lv. 6~10.
- Cast time: 0.5 sec (can be decrease by dex)
- After Cast Delay: 1 sec of skill delay at level 1 and 2.8 sec at level 10 (0.8 + 0.2*SkillLV sec). Note that DEX nor any other stat can reduce this delay. Magic Strings will minimize the After Cast Delay. You can not use any skill during the After Cast Delay.
- Range: 7 cells. (same as magic)
- Cast is interruptible. Means you might want to have high DEX or use a Phen Card.
- Can be blocked by Pneuma.
- Even though this skill is also based on INT, it is not of exclusive use for high INT SD builds, it can be used by any build - at lower damage. Remember, it’s also based on ATK.
- Does NOT stack with Enchant Deadly Poison
- This part of the damage carries weapon element/endow. This means your damage against a fire monster will be increased if you use Water prop. weapon, or decreased if you use Fire prop. Weapon.
- Is affected by FLEE, therefore you need HIT in order to deal the damage related to this part of the skill. Against high FLEE enemies you might want to use Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen cards.
- Does not carry effect of status cards (ex: savage babe, planton, etc) but will activate certain weapon skills, such as Ogre’s Toenail or Inverse Scale.
- Weapon ATK receives size penalty. This is why you should use swords or katars, daggers deals 75% to medium and 50% to large size. If you have an ice pick or a combat knife, however, this is not relevant enough to stop you from using them.
- Not affected by cards that increase the damage by a % (ex: hydra card, vadon card, etc). Affected by +ATK cards (ex: Andre card, Zipper Bear card, etc)
- Right and Left hand masteries do not affect damage. Katar masteries do.
- Affected by enemy’s DEF and VIT DEF.
- It’s NOT neutral element. It’s basically elementless. This means the damage related to the magical part will not be affected by any element; fixed to 100%, not higher, not lower.
- Never miss. Therefore does NOT depend on your HIT and enemy’s FLEE. Will be blocked by pneuma anyway, though.
- Based on INT, not on MATK.
- Not affected by cards that increase the damage by a % (ex: hydra card, vadon card, etc). Not affected by +ATK cards (ex: Andre card, Zipper Bear card, etc). Not affected by +MATK cards. Can only be helped by +INT gear.
- Ignores DEF, VIT DEF and MDEF (all kinds). Decreased by gear such as Feather Beret, Poo Poo Hat, Thara Frog card, Combat Knife, etc.
- This is certainly the most powerful Assassin Cross, principally when combined with Sonic Blow.
- It’s generally used in important situations such as WoE, MvP and decisive PvP. Can also be used on some leveling spots.
- Stacks with Sonic Blow and Grimtooth.
- Does NOT fade when you die.
- Does NOT fade when you change weapon.
- Can NOT be dispelled.
- Does NOT change your attack prop. to poison!
- [Target]: Self
- [Max Lv.]: 5
- [SP Cost]: 50 + SkillLV*10 (100 at Lv.5)
- [Cast time]: Instant
- [After cast delay]: 2 sec
- [Duration]: 35 + 5*SkillLV sec (1min at Lv.5)
- [Requires]:
Poison Bottle (Click here for ingredient and recipe)
- [Effect]: Increases ATK by 150%+50*SkillLV%. Enemies that get hit by the enchanted weapon will randomly receive poison status ailment, and HP will be drained percentage wise very quickly.
As a Thief or High Thief
.:If you have access to a stat resetter and a friend to help you out a little, then the fastest option for leveling would be have your friend tank you some Anubis while you use Yggdrasil leaf to kill them. If you can not do this, then follow the guide below:.
Lv. 1~thief: Training grounds is the best option. As for high novice, I suggest Culvert 1.
Job1 ~ Lv.20: Culvert 1 and 2. (get improve dodge and double attack)
Lv.20~Lv.35: Pyramids 1 or Payon Dungeon 1. Poporings (zombies too if you’re in payon dun 1).
Lv.35~Job40: Lhz_fild01 (one map north from Lightalzen) or ein_fild07 (three maps south from Yuno). Metalings.
Job40~Job50: I suggest you make a mage or an archer to leech yourself at ra_fild01, killing muscipulars. It’s just not worth leveling these job levels as a thief alone. However, if you want to do it on your own, using your thief/thief high, I suggest killing Leaf Cats.
As Assassin or Assassin Cross
.:Make yourself a Priest. You gonna need one to Buff and Warp yourself, leveling will be slow without one.
.:Again, if you have chance to get a friend to help you at Anubis, I suggest you go there to get your first job levels:.
Job1~Job17: Metalings or Muscipulars again, just so you get these first job levels. Put your skill points in katar mastery 4, sonic blow 5 and cloaking 2 to unlock grimtooth. Now 5 points in grimtooth to max it.
Job17~Lv.80: Moc_fild16 (this is the same map as Assassin Guild). Mob the Sandman and kill them using grimtooth (remember to have either a stun or a curse arrow equipped). Save the Katar of Quaking you may get, you’ll need them later.
OR: Do the Curse of Gaebolg (Founding of the Nation Myth Quest), then the Medicine quest, thenBiological Weapon Quest, then Lost Child Quest and finally Rachel Sanctuary Quest. Depending on the rates you’re playing on this will you take you to a level higher than than 80, at 10x it’s close to 90. There are other quests that reward you with experience, but I do not really recommend them as means of leveling at this point.
80~99: At this point you’ll need to make your leveling weapons. There are two basic options:
- 3x Drainliar Card in a Jur[3] - Level at Zenhai Marsh (cmd_fild03, three maps east from Comodo) mobbing Anolians. This is the standard recommendation, every Assassin should do this at some point.
- 3x Peco Peco Egg Card in a Jur[3] - Level at Juperos Dungeon 1 by mobbing Venatus. Leveling here is much harder than at Anolians, but if you can make it work out, you should be getting nice money from loot and a good amount of eluniums. (Certain news on Gravity update pointed out Venatus now can teleport thus making this method useless. You are recommended to try it out on your server before building the weapon.)
Advanced Leveling Spot Options
- Lightalzen Dungeon 3 (biolab, quest guide here) - Requires: Boned Infiltrator, Poison Bottles, Cursed Waters, Royal Jellies and Soul Linker. Keep your Enchant Deadly Poison up all the time, fly wing around looking for the High Wizards and the High Priests (not assumptio’ed), one hit them using Sonic Blow. Watch for the Lord Knights and Assassin Cross, they’re demon and will see you despite cloaking. Depending on the server you can lure monsters out of HW’s fixed spawn spots and camp. .:This place is risky, get ready for dying a few times. Job exp is amazing. Base exp is great:.
- Thor 1 - Requires: Triple Beholder (3x Peco Peco Egg card) Jur[3], Pasana carded armor, Jakk carded garment, Poison Bottles, Royal Jellies, Soul Linker, Endow Water and a very specific build (110 or more STR, 110 or more DEX, rest goes on vit). Fly wing around the map, use Sonic Blow combined with EDP to one-hit the Kasas. *If your damage isn’t one-hitting 100% of the time, you might need to use Blacksmith buffs.
- Abbey 3 (at the center of Namelss Island) - Requires: Triple Boned (3x Skeleton Worker card) Jur[3], Poison Bottles, Soul Linker and Priest to aspercio. It’s common that even EDP’ed, Linked and aspercio’ed you can’t one-hit the Necromancers, you can still do this place, just use a grimtooth before Sonic Blowing. 130 STR is enough for 100% one-hitting though, but this might require you use STR food.
Other Leveling Spots
- Abbey Sanctuary 1: Banshees. Use either an Inverse Scale or a Triple Hallowed (3x Santa Poring card) Jur[3] and aspercio, kill one by one using Sonic Blow, when linked, or in small mobs using grimtooth. Requires: Evil Druid carded armor.
- Abbey Sanctuary 2: Mob and use grimtooth to kill. Inverse Scale is a good option for weapon. Watch out for Flame Skulls, they can see you through hide.
- (North) Comodo Dungeon: Dual Dagger/SD build, using ice pick and quad titan (4x minorous card) main gauche[4].
- (West) Comodo Dungeon: Make small mobs of Medusas, use grimtooth, or kill one by one using SB.
- Clock Tower B4 (alde_dun04): Bathories. Keep the witched starsand. Card should sell well too.
- Clock Tower 2 (alde_dun02): Clocks. Mostly for eluniums. Use Triple Beholder Jur[3] and endow fire. Kill using Sonic Blow. Don’t walk, fly wing/teleport.
- Einbench Dungeon 2: Using a high dex build or mummy cards, one-hit the Teddy Bears by using either SD or SB.
- Geffenia: By far the best money. Requires Ice Pick and aspercio. Use SD to one-hit Incubbus and Sucubbus. Kill the Abysmal Knights for the cards, if you like.
- Glast Heim: One-hit Raydrics using SD, Inverse Scale is a good option for weapon. Mob Ridewords and kill using MA (good job exp). Kill Abymal Knights using SD. Use low-level SD followed by level 10 SD to kill wanderers. One-hit Stings using SD or SB and a fire weapon/endow.
- Gonryun Dungeon 1: Peach Trees. Mostly for the Royal Jellies, either for WoE or for selling. Use either SD or SB, you should be able to one-hit the Peach Trees with both. Use Endow Blaze (fire endow), or a fire weapon.
- Ice Dungeon 3: If you have an Ice Pick this is a nice place. Use Dual Dagger/SD build and Endow Tornado (wind endow).
- Juperos 2: Apocalipse. Again, if you have ice pick and a quad titan (4x minorous card) main gauche[4].
- Louyang Field: One-hit using SD.
- Magma Dungeon 2: Mob and kill using Meteor Assault. Bring a High Priest friend.
- Niffheim Field 01: Mob the Disguises and the other monsters on the map and kill them using Meteor Assault. Daggers like Moonlight Dagger and Fortune Sword will be of great help.
- Pyramids B2: Mob Ancient Mummy, kill using grimtooth. Watch out not to overmob Arclouses. Inverse Scale is a good option here.
- Pyramids 4: Mob everthing, kill using grimtooth. Bring ice katar and inverse scale. *If you only want the money you get from selling loot in this place, use triple flammable (3x vadon card) jur[3] and endow tsuname (water endow) instead.
<< Pure Builds >>
1. Critical
.:This build uses high ASPD and critical damages to fight the enemy. Recommended for PvM and Emperium Breaking:.
- STR: 90 or 100 or 110
- AGI: 100~120
- VIT: 25~50
- INT: 1 or 6 or 12
- DEX: 30~50
- LUK: 40~70
- Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- Feather Beret
- Drooping Cat
- Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- Masquerade
- (Dark) Blinder
- Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- Odin’s Blessing[1] - Dark Frame card
- Goibne’s Armor
- Thief Clothes[1] - Alicel card.
- Infiltrator[1] - Skel Worker card.
- Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] - 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card
- Jur[3] - 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card
- .:See Leveling section:.
- Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- Wool Scarf[1] - Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card
- Wool Scarf[1] - Whisper card
- Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card
- Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- Refined Critical Ring or Goddess of Fortune’s Cursed Brooch or Critical Ring or Morrigane’s Pendant
2. Sonic Blow
.:This build uses the Sonic Blow skill to deal great amount of damage on a single blow. Requires Assassin Spirit (Soul Linker buff). Recommended for MvP, PvP and WoE:.
- STR: 100 or 110 or 120 or 130
- AGI: 1~60
- VIT: 40~80
- INT: 1 or 6 or 12 or 18 or 24
- DEX: 70~110
- LUK: 1
- * Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Masquerade
- * (Dark) Blinder
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Dark Frame card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Infiltrator[1] - Skel Worker card.
- * Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] - 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card
- * Bloody Roar
- * Jur[3] - 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Noxious card or Raydric card or Orc Baby card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Green Ferus or Matyr card card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Ring[1] - Mantis card
- * Glove[1] or Orlean’s Glove[1] - Zerom card
- * Rosary[1] - Mantis or Zerom card
3. Dual Dagger
.:This build uses ASPD and several specific daggers to deal damage. Recommended for PvM and Emperium Breaking:.
- STR: 100 or 110 or 120
- AGI: 90~120
- VIT: 25~60
- INT: 1 or 6 or 12
- DEX: 40~70
- LUK: 1
- * Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Masquerade
- * (Dark) Blinder
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Dark Frame card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Thief Clothes[1] - Alicel card.
- * Ice pick (right hand)
- * Combat Knife (right hand)
- * Mes[3] - 3x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial cards + 15% size card (right hand)
- * Main Gauche[4] - 4x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial + 20% elemental card + 15% size card (left hand)
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Whisper card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Ring[1] or Rosary[1] - Mantis card
4. Soul Destroyer
.:This build uses the Soul Destroyer skill to deal great amount of damage on a single ranged blow. INT is the main stat. Recommended for PvM, MvP and PvP:.
- STR: 40 or 50 or 60 or 70
- AGI: 1~60
- VIT: 40~80
- INT: 100 or more
- DEX: 60~110
- LUK: 1
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Ulle’s Cap[1] - Isilla card
- * Solar God Helm
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Pest card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Saber[3] - 3x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (right hand)
- * Saber[3] - 3x Zipper Bear card (right hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (left hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Zipper Bear card (left hand)
- * Ice pick
- * Combat Knife
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Noxious card or Raydric card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Green Ferus or Matyr card card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Glove[1] or Orlean’s Glove[1] - Zerom card
- * Rosary[1] - Zerom card
- * Earring[1] - Zerom card
- * Safety Ring
<< Hybrids Builds >>
1. Sonic Blow/Critical
.:This build uses high ASPD and critical damages to fight the enemy. Also uses deals great damage using Sonic Blow when linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). Recommended for PvM, WoE and Emperium Breaking:.
- STR: 100 or 110 or 120
- AGI: 90~110
- VIT: 25~50
- INT: 1 or 6 or 12
- DEX: 30~60
- LUK: 40~50
- * Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Masquerade
- * (Dark) Blinder
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Dark Frame card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Thief Clothes[1] - Alicel card.
- * Infiltrator[1] - Skel Worker card.
- * Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] - 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card
- * Bloody Roar
- * Jur[3] - 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Whisper card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Refined Critical Ring or Goddess of Fortune’s Cursed Brooch or Critical Ring or Morrigane’s Pendant
2. Sonic Blow/Dual Dagger/Soul Destroyer
.:This build uses powerful skills to deal great damage. Requires to be linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). Recommended for PvP, PvM, MvP, WoE and Emperium Breaking. In my opinion the best build, but the hardest to equip as well:.
- STR: 100 or 110 or 120
- AGI: 80~110
- VIT: 40~60
- INT: 20~30
- DEX: 50~80
- LUK: 1
- * Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Masquerade
- * (Dark) Blinder
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Dark Frame card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Thief Clothes[1] - Alicel card.
- * Infiltrator[1] - Skel Worker card.
- * Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] - 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card
- * Bloody Roar
- * Jur[3] - 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card
- * Ice pick (right hand)
- * Combat Knife (right hand)
- * Mes[3] - 3x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial cards + 15% size card (right hand)
- * Main Gauche[4] - 4x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial + 20% elemental card + 15% size card (left hand)
- * Saber[3] - 3x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (right hand)
- * Saber[3] - 3x Zipper Bear card (right hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (left hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Zipper Bear card (left hand)
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Whisper card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Ring[1] or Rosary[1] or Orlean’s Glove[1] - Mantis card
3. Soul Destroyer/Sonic Blow
.:This build uses powerful skills to deal great damage. Requires to be linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). Recommended for PvP and WoE:.
- STR: 90 or 100 or 110 or 120
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 60~80
- INT: 100 or more
- DEX: 70~110
- LUK: 1
- * Alice Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Marionette Doll[1] - Vanberk Card
- * Feather Beret
- * Drooping Cat
- * Angel/Evil Wing Ears
- * Masquerade
- * (Dark) Blinder
- * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] - Evil Druid/Marc card.
- * Odin’s Blessing[1] - Pest card
- * Goibne’s Armor
- * Infiltrator[1] - Skel Worker card.
- * Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] - 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card
- * Bloody Roar
- * Ice pick (right hand)
- * Combat Knife (right hand)
- * Saber[3] - 3x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (right hand)
- * Saber[3] - 3x Zipper Bear card (right hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen card (left hand)
- * Blade[4] - 4x Zipper Bear card (left hand)
- * .:See Leveling section:.
- * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] - Thara Frog card
- * Wool Scarf[1] - Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card
- * Tidal Shoes[1] - Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card
- * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF)
- * Ring[1] or Earring[1] or Rosary[1] or Orlean’s Glove[1] - Mantis or Zerom card
- *About the Vanberk Headgears: I find them useful for when you need to change your accessory (lets say to equip a horong) and you lose the STR bonus from Mantis card, but as Tea mentioned, it’s good to keep in my you can’t really count on the vanberk points for PvP and WoE. Feel free to use other cards if you prefer. I would say Maya Purple is the best choice, but since it isn’t a very common card, I didn’t add it to the guide.
- Success Rate = Base Rate + [ (Base Rate * DEX/50) + (Base Rate * LUK/100) ]
- Base Rate is assumed to be at 20%.
- Simplified: Success Rate = 20% + (0.4% DEX) + (0.2% LUK)
Click here for the item needed to make Poison Bottle
- * Berserk Potion: The Tool Dealers in Comodo and Lighthalzen sell these.
- * Venom Canine: Dropped by Boas, Anacondaqs and Side Winders. They spawn in large quantities at Sograt Desert 13.
- * Cactus Needle: Dropped by Mukas. The best places to hunt them are Sograt Desert 18 and Sograt Desert 06.
- * Bee Sting: Dropped by Hornets. The best places to hunt them are Prontera Field 00 and Mt. Mjolnir 04.
- * Poison Spore: Dropped by Poison Spores. The best places to hunt them are Payon Forest 05 and Mt. Mjolnir 07.
- * Empty Bottle: Dropped by different monsters. It is best to gather them from Mukas so as to harvest two ingredients at once. Goats drop them at the highest rate and are found on Einbroch Field 06 and Juno Field 06. Ant Eggs in Ant Hell 1 and Removers in Somatology Laboratory 1 are also viable options.
- * Karvonidailrol: Only dropped by four monsters and at somewhat low rates. Poison Spores are the easiest to hunt. Removers are another option. A third option is the Biochemist skill Cultivate Plant, which at level 1 summons a Red Mushroom or a Black Mushroom by chance using one Mushroom Spore. Red Mushrooms drop these at 0.5%.
- Decent base DEX and LUK. Blessing. (+10 DEX) Gloria. (+30 LUK) Marionette Control. (skill of Clown/Gypsy) Battle Chant. (+20 stats)
- Equipments: Apple of Archer (+3 DEX), Lucky Mantle (+2 LUK), Quad Dexterous Knife x2 (+8 DEX), Crystal Pumps (+5 LUK), Nimble Gloves x2 (+8 DEX)
- * Wear the equipments above and get Blessing only after Marionette Control has been casted on the player to get the full DEX bonus.
- * Have a Priest standby to Heal the player when Create Deadly Poison fails.
- * Make use the Bard skill Magic Strings to reduce Create Deadly Poison’s cast delay thus speeding up brewing.
- * Only brew when either a Priest or a Minstrel/Gypsy can assist so Karvonidailrols won’t be wasted.
Basic Strategies
- * Cranial Swapping: This is a very important trick. SinXs are somewhat fragile if they don’t have their valkyrja’s shield equipped, and you don’t want that. So the idea is to keep your cranial valk shield equipped the most time possible. So here’s what you have to do: Put your infiltrator (or double bloody boned elemental katar) in a hotkey, do the same to your valkyrja’s shield and any combat knife you have(Assassin Daggers and Cowardice Sword are good substitutes). Make sure these hotkeys are close to your Sonic Blow hotkey. Put on your weapon and use the sonic blow skill, as soon as you use it, press the valk shield and combat knife hotkeys. If you done it right, your sonic blow animation will show as if you were using the sonic blow bare handed or with a knife.
- * Hide when skills are casted at you, this will cause the opponent’s skill to fail, and you’ll take no damage.
- * Watch for the the element your opponent is using. If he uses Enchant Poison or a Cursed Water, change your armor to Evil Druid.
- * Watch for your opponent element resistances. If you’re doing too little damage on your attacks, you might as well want to try endowing your weapon with a different prop. Few options: Enchant Poison (poison), Endow Scrolls (water/fire/earth/wind), Cursed Water (shadow). Keep in mind Valkyrja’s shields add resistance to: water, fire, shadow and undead. Marcs and Tidals add resistance to water. Evil Druid, Bathory and Argiope add resistance to shadow and poison. Blacksmith/Whitesmith have natural resistance to fire and Crusaders/Paladins to Holy. Best props to endow are, therefore, often Earth and Wind.
- * If you’re using SD and you’re dealing little damage to an opponent who might have FLEE, you might be missing. Put on your +HIT weapons.
- * If you’re using SD, you can use magnum break (marine sphere card in an accessory will grant you this skill) to push your enemy off pneuma.
.:Assassin Cross plays an important role in War of Emperium, this is probably when the class shows your full potential:.
WoE Mechanics
- * All skill based damage with the exception of Gloria Domini and Gravitational Field is reduced by 40%.
- * All physical (non-skill based) attacks are reduced by 30%.
- * All long-range attacks are reduced by 25%. This does not stack with long-range skill attacks (these are just reduced by 40%).
- * Upon entering a new room in a WoE map, the player is given 5 seconds of invulnerability. This invulnerable status is forfeited as soon as they use an item, cast a skill, or move.
- * All Hunter traps last 4 times as long in WoE.
- * You cannot ‘lock on’ to players using CTRL+Click. Instead you should click and hold the mouse button.
- * Pushback is disabled. (ex: The push-back effect of Bowling Bash.)
- * Phen Card’s ‘immune to spell interruption’ property does not work. However, skills with a cast time that cannot be interrupted will not lose this ability (unless they are Spell Broken).
- * The Emperium is invulnerable to skill-based damage with the exception of Gravitational Field and Gloria Domini
- * Get used to battlemode (/bm). Use it, at least, for gear changing.
- * ALWAYS bring potions with you. Condensed white potions and royal jellies are recommended.
- * Always have a few panaceas with you.
- * Before leaving town, try feeling your inventory to 89% weight, with everything you’ll need (pots, jellies, panaceas, extra armors, extra weapons, etc)
- * Always have stun arrows with you, they’ll provoke stun on the enemies when you grimtooth them.
- * EDP is essential in WoE, make sure you have enough Poison Bottles for the whole WoE duration.
- * Don’t forget you’ll need Assassin Spirit in WoE too.
- * Make sure you’ll keep your cranial valk equipped for the longest time possible, if you don’t have it on you might as well die faster than you could possibly pot.
- * Here’s a useful tip. Bring two different kinds of potions, lets say condensed white, royal jelly and alloe leaflet that’s 3 hotkeys for you to spam in order to pot up your HP really fast (:
- * If you are soloing, try sticking around an attacking guild (in cloaking, so they don’t see you) and wait until they invade the enemy’s defense line. Enchant Deadly Poison and sneak through towards the emperium, break it.
- * If you’re attacking with your guild, try not staying in the front line (unless you’re too hardcore, or unless you’re going to be recalled in case your guild made through but you died) because your guild will need you alive to break the emperium. Enchant Deadly Poison and sneak through towards the emperium as soon as a path is open. Break it.
- * Okay, you are attacking, but you’re not even close to emperium yet and there are already enemies attacking you and your guild. In this case, you should enchant deadly poison and fight using sonic blow. You can also Grimtooth lines of wizards.
- * Breaking time with Ice pick on the right hand and 2x Orc skeleton + 2x desert wolf is often around 3~6seconds, using EDP and Cursed Water.
- * Breaking time with criticals, using the appropriate jur with orc skeleton cards, should be around 10~16seconds, using EDP and Cursed Water.
- * Breaking with Ice Pick on the right hand and Cranial Valkyrja’s Shield is around 8~16 seconds, using EDP and Cursed Water.
- * Useful tip is to equip an accessory with Errende Ebecee card when you’re next to the emperium, once the pneuma gets casted, it will block the cast of SWs on the emp.
- * Assassin Cross can help on the first defense line using EDP and grimtooth (I recommend curse arrows).
- * Assassin Cross can help on the last defense line, standing by the emperium and using EDP + Sonic Blow on any enemy who approaches (this is specially recommended for guild leader Assassin Cross)
- * SinX can move outside the defense line as soon the enemy storms in, in order to kill the more fragile classes, like wizards, who are generaly left behind during invasion.
- * Soul Destroyer builds can stand in Magic Strings along with the wizards and spam SD on the incoming enemies.
- AoE: Area Effect Skill
- Buff: Priest support skills such as Agility Increase and Blessing
- Cranial: Shield equipped with Thara Frog card
- EDP: Enchant Deadly Poison
- Emp: Emperium
- Grimt: Grimtooth
- Inf: Infiltrator (weapon)
- MA: Meteor Assault
- MvP: Boss Monster and the act of fighting it
- PvM: Player vs Mob (regular mob)
- PvP: Player vs Player
- SB: Sonic Blow
- SD: Soul Destroyer
- SinX: Assassin Cross
- SL: Soul Linker
- WoE: War of Emperium
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