Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Senin, 05 September 2011

Boneka Bakteri Yang Lucu

Bisa bayangkan bahwa virus seperti HIV, Spylis, Gonorrehea dan virus-virus terkenal serta microba seperti ini bisa sangat manis dan lucu?

Seorang designer kreatif telah menciptakan mainan boneka dari virus dan mikroba terkenal yang dibuat dengan skala 1 X 1.000.000

Ini hasilnya :

Bacteria Bookworm

Bacteria Clap (Gonorrhoea)

Bacteria Cold (Flu)

Bacteria Ecoli (Colon Bacillus)

Bacteria Flesheating (Necrotic Fasciitis)

Bacteria Headlice (Head Louse)

Bacteria Kissingdisease (Infectious Mononucleosis)

Bacteria Madcow (Rabies)

Bacteria Offensive (Badbreath)

Bacteria Pimple (Pustule)

Bacteria Pox (Syphilis)

Bacteria Sleepingsickness (Surra)

Bacteria Sorethroat (Tonsillitis)

Bacteria Stomachache (Dysentery)

Bacteria Ulcer

Bacteria Yeast (Brewers Yeast)

Human Immunodeficienct Virus (HIV)

Bacteria Ebola


sumber: http://strano66.blogspot.com/2010/09/boneka-bakteri-yang-lucu.html

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