Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Japanese farmers use rice fields to express their art

 wave-rice-art We have all heard about the crop circles and seen them on television, in movies, or maybe in real life, but in Japan you can see rice art on the fields. Every year Japanese farmers are planting rice in different patterns and using different sorts of rice for color. The result is spectacular pictures.
rice-art-samurai budha-rice-art girl-rice-art boy-rice-art japanese-rice-art rice-field-close-up-3 cool-rice-art rice-field-close-up-2 rice-field-close-up rice-field-close-up-4 art-at-rice-field rice-art monk-rice-art napoleon-rice rice-art-2 mona-lisa-rise-art girl-and-boy-rice-art monkey-rice-art rice-art-field duck-rice-art


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