Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

These are cakes? Great examples of creative bakery

At the Highland Bakery in Atlanta GA these amazingly detailed cakes are made by Karen Portaleo. She got inspiration to be a cake decorator one day when she noticed that the cakes in her friend’s bakery didn’t have any creations. With a background in clay sculpturing she taught herself how to create spectacular decorations for cakes.

Portaelo has made cakes that look like a giant octopus, Darth Vader, a rhino and many other. Speaking of being creative with food, check out how food can be transformed  into landscapes for tiny human figures.
rhyno-cake pug-cake groundhog-cake groundhog-cake2 crab-cake armadillo-cake vader-cake playstation-cake london-cake jacket-cake corn-cake books-cake tools-cake zombi-cake


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